Channel Configuration
Use the fields on the Scan Parameters tab of each Channel Form to specify the following information:
- Re-establishment Interval (see Defining Further Scan Parameter Settings for a Direct Channel)
- Comms Retries (see Defining Scan Parameter Settings for a Channel)
- Transaction Attempts (see Defining Scan Parameter Settings for a Channel)
- The non-continuous polling Communications Statistics update rate (if required) (see Defining the Communication Statistics Update Rate).
With direct channels on many advanced drivers, you can specify up to eight Scan Groups to define the frequency with which the driver scans for data on the outstations on the channel. For the channels that support this feature, you configure the time interval for each Scan Group, Scan 1 to Scan 8, on the Scan Parameters tab of the Channel Form (see Define Intervals for Timed Current Data Updates). You can then select one of these Scan Groups on each Point Form, to specify how often the driver should request the data from each point on each outstation that is associated with the channel. The Scan times control the timed reporting of current data. The advantage of this time reported current data, over time reported logged data, is that if ClearSCADA detects that the outstation comms has failed, a backlog of timed reports is not accumulated.
For any fields on the Channel Form that are not listed above, see the driver-specific documentation.