You are here: Driver Reference > Advanced Drivers Guide > Configuring an Outstation > Define Dial In Line Properties on a PSTN Outstation

Define Dial In Line Properties on a PSTN Outstation

Some PSTN outstations can use a number of PSTN channels to report alarm data to the ClearSCADA server. These channels are referred to as dial in channels as they are used when the outstation ‘dials in’ to the ClearSCADA server. The number of channels varies depending on the outstation type.

Use the fields on the PSTN tab of the associated Outstation Form to define the required Dial In properties. By default, the information in these fields is not set up when you first configure a new outstation.

The following Dial In Lines fields are displayed for outstations on many advanced drivers. For other common PSTN fields, see Define an Outstation’s PSTN Properties, and see Define Dial In Overactive Properties on a PSTN Outstation. For fields that are not described in any of these sections, see the driver-specific documentation.


A particular ClearSCADA system has a number of PSTN lines. The properties of the lines, including their telephone numbers and dial in/out capability, are configured on the relevant PSTN Channel Forms:

(‘PSTN Channel C’ is a dedicated dial out line that the server can use to dial out to the outstations on the system.)

Several of the outstations on the system are able to dial in to ClearSCADA to report alarms. The properties on the PSTN tab of the relevant Outstation Forms are used to specify the PSTN line(s) that the outstations can use to dial in to ClearSCADA. The configuration of one of these outstations is as follows:

The ClearSCADA server monitors the status and dial in/out capability of its PSTN channels, to determine the communications status of each outstation. For the above PSTN outstation, when ClearSCADA is not actually communicating with, or attempting to establish communications with, the outstation via PSTN, the outstation’s status might be one of the following:

Channel Status Outstation State Comments

A, B, and C Healthy


Channels A and B are available for dialing in to ClearSCADA. Channels A and C are available for dialing out.

A Failed, B and C Healthy


Channel B is available for dialing in and channel C for dialing out.

B Failed, A and C Healthy


Channel A is available for dialing in to ClearSCADA. Channels A and C are available for dialing out.

C Failed, A and B Healthy


Channels A and B are available for dialing in to ClearSCADA. Channel A is available for dialing out.

A and B Failed, C Healthy

Available (Outgoing Only)

Channel C is available for dialing out.

A and C Failed, B Healthy

Available (Incoming Only)

Channel B is available for dialing in.

B and C Failed, A Healthy


Channel A is available for dialing in or out.

A, B, and C Failed

All Channels Failed

No PSTN channels are available.

Further Information

Defining PSTN Settings for a Channel.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2