You are here: Driver Reference > Advanced Drivers Guide > Configuring an Outstation > Advanced Drivers Guide - Define an Outstation's PSTN Properties (Configuring an Outstation)

Define an Outstation’s PSTN Properties

PSTN Connection Types are also known as Modem Connection Types.

If a device on your system uses PSTN or SMS to communicate with the server, or uses PSTN as a fallback means of communicating with the server, use the fields on the PSTN or SMS tab of the associated Outstation Form to define that outstation’s PSTN or SMS properties.

In order for a direct outstation to use PSTN fallback, that outstation has to have a dial-up modem. Additionally, at least one PSTN Channel for the same driver and with the same Connection Type as the outstation, has to exist in the ClearSCADA database.

The default settings for the fields on the PSTN or SMS tab are shown in the window below.

The following list describes many of the properties on the PSTN or SMS tab. For information on the Dial In Overactive properties, you should refer to Define Dial In Overactive Properties on a PSTN Outstation and for information on the Dial In Lines properties, see Define Dial In Line Properties on a PSTN Outstation. For fields that are not described in any of these sections, see the driver-specific documentation.

When supported by the type of driver, these fields are also displayed on the PSTN or SMS tab:

Further Information

PSTN Outstations and Communications.

Using PSTN Fallback: see Direct - PSTN Fallback.

Define Dial In Line Properties on a PSTN Outstation.

Define Dial In Overactive Properties on a PSTN Outstation.

NOTE: If required, a Queue feature can be enabled on your system to allow users to optionally queue certain pick action requests on PSTN or SMS outstations. For more information, see Define whether the Queue Parameter is Available in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration, and see Optionally Queue Pick Action Requests on PSTN and ‘On Demand’Outstations in the ClearSCADA Guide to Drivers.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2