You are here: Driver Reference > Advanced Drivers Guide > Configuring a Channel > Define when the Server Sets the Outstations’ Clocks

Define when the Server Sets the Outstations’ Clocks

Use the Set Outstation Clock section on a Direct Channel Form’s Scan Parameters tab to define when the ClearSCADA server sets the outstation clocks. The ClearSCADA server uses the same interval and offset to set the outstation clocks on each of the outstations that communicate via a defined channel. This means that you can use different Set Clock times for each direct channel if required.

You should configure intervals and offsets that allow the ClearSCADA server to set the outstations at times when communications traffic is moderate. This reduces the load on the communications channel(s).


If the Interval is 1H and the Offset is 5M, the server sets the outstations’ clocks at 5 minutes past each hour, starting at 00:05. At midnight the server synchronizes its Set Clock settings, and the cycle starts again from 00:05 the next morning.

For a ClearSCADA server to set the outstations’ clocks at 1:00 pm on a daily basis, enter 1D in the Interval field and 13H in the Offset field. (13H is 13 hours after the start of the day (00:00)).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2