You are here: Driver Reference > Advanced Drivers Guide > Dynacard Stores > InsertRecords


Associated with: Dynacard Stores

Security permission required to access this method: Control

NOTE: NOTE: InsertRecords is a method (rather than a pick action). Methods are designed to be accessed ‘programmatically’, for example by using the Automation Interface.

The InsertRecords method can prove useful if using a Dynacard Store in 'stand-alone' mode, rather than associating the Dynacard Store with an outstation. Use the method to populate the Dynacard Store with a set of data values, rather than upload the dynacard data from an outstation. The method inserts a set of records, comprising a collection of Load/Position values with a single timestamp.

To successfully populate a Dynacard Store using the InsertRecords method, you need to ensure that:

ATTENTION: You use the InsertRecords method to insert a single set of records. If required, you can use the method more than once on the same Dynacard Store, to insert further record sets into that Dynacard Store.If you intend using the InsertRecords method to insert further record sets into the same Dynacard Store, ensure that you insert the record sets in sequential order, starting with the earliest record set.


ClearSCADA 2015 R2