You are here: Driver Reference > Advanced Drivers Guide > Configuring Advanced Driver Server Settings > Remove an Obsolete PSTN Connection Type

Remove an Obsolete PSTN Connection Type

PSTN Connection Types are also known as Modem Connection Types.

To remove a Modem Connection Type that is no longer required:

  1. Select the relevant entry in the list of Modem Connection Types.
    The entry is highlighted.
  2. Select the Remove button.
    The entry is removed from the list. The relevant driver entry in the hierarchical list changes color to indicate that changes have been made to the driver configuration.

    ATTENTION: If you attempt to delete a Modem Connection Type that is being used by a channel or outstation, a confirmation window is displayed, stating that the connection type is in use. If you proceed to delete the Connection Type, each channel or outstation that was using that particular Connection Type will revert to using the Standard Modem.

  3. Repeat the above steps for any other connection types that are no longer required.
  4. Apply the changes to the server configuration (see Configuring Advanced Driver Server Settings).
  5. Repeat the same changes on each of the servers on your system. (Unlike many other Server Configuration settings, you do need to repeat such modem connection changes on any permanent standby servers.)

ClearSCADA 2015 R2