Specify the Type of Dynacard Data that the Dynagraph Displays
Use the Card Type combo box on the Edit Dynagraph window to specify the type of dynamometer data that the Dynagraph is to display.
Choose from:
- Stored—The Dynagraph displays dynacard data for the most recent pump strokes. The number of strokes for which data is recorded per dynacard can vary per protocol.
- Shutdown—The Dynagraph displays the dynacard data that was recorded just before the pump was shut down.
- Reference—The Dynagraph displays the dynacard data that has been marked as the ‘reference’ against which other the dynacard data should be compared. Dynacard data is nominated as ‘reference’ data using the Copy a Stored Card to Reference Card pick action.
NOTE: Choose this option if the Dynagraph is only to display ‘Reference Card’ data, rather than display data for another type of dynacard as well as the ‘Reference’ trace. For the latter option, choose a different Card Type and use the Show Reference Card check box to Specify Whether the Dynagraph Displays ‘Reference’ Data in addition to the other dynacard data.
- Start—The Dynagraph displays the dynacard data that was recorded as the pump started up. This typically contains data from the start of the pumping cycle (as opposed to the Pump Up data).
- Pump Up—The Dynagraph displays the dynacard data that was recorded when the pump was performing its upward stroke following a start/stop cycle.
- Last Stroke—The Dynagraph displays the dynacard data that recorded the measurements taken during the pump’s last full stroke (up and down cycle).
- Malfunction—The Dynagraph displays the dynacard data that was recorded when a malfunction occurred at the pump. The amount of data recorded will vary, depending on the type of malfunction and when it occurred.
For further information on dynamometer card types and the type of data that they record, see the documentation supplied with the rod pump controller firmware.
Further Information