You are here: Driver Reference > Modbus - Advanced Driver > Advanced Modbus Driver Guide - Points used on Generic Modbus Controllers

Points Used on Generic Modbus Controllers

Generic Modbus controllers support a combination of these point types:

You need to configure one point of the appropriate type per point on a controller. You configure the properties for each point using the appropriate Advanced Modbus Generic Point Form.

The rest of this section covers the configuration of properties that are common to most points supported by the Advanced Modbus driver. It includes information on how to:

For information on the minimal amount of configuration that you can undertake to produce a functional Generic Modbus point in ClearSCADA, see Minimum Configuration.

NOTE: In addition to the points listed above, ClearSCADA can support other types of point, using an Advanced Modbus Extension Driver. For information on Generic Modbus points not listed above, see the relevant Advanced Modbus extension driver guide.

If your system includes Generic Modbus controllers that do not have ‘live’ points, see Generic Modbus Controller and Associated Channel States.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2