You are here: Driver Reference > OPC - Advanced Driver > Configure an Advanced OPC Group > Configuring Confidence Polling

Confidence Polling

The Confidence Polling section allows you to configure additional polling to avoid the data becoming stale by forcing points to be updated periodically. To use Confidence Polling you need to enable and complete the Confidence Polling section on the relevant Advanced OPC configuration Forms:

Confidence Polling for a group

Use the fields within the Confidence Polling section of an Advanced OPC Group Form to specify the polling that ClearSCADA is to apply to all active points within that Group.

NOTE: If the server Read Type is set to Asynchronous mode the confidence poll refreshes the group. If the Read Type is set to Synchronous mode it forces all the items/points to be read.

Confidence Polling for a Point

Use the fields within the Confidence Polling section on an Advanced OPC Point Form to specify polling that ClearSCADA is to apply to that particular point. The individual point polling occurs in addition to the group polls.

To configure confidence polling complete the following fields:

Further Information

Configure an Advanced OPC Group

Points Used on Advanced OPC Groups

ClearSCADA 2015 R2