You are here: Driver Reference > OPC - Advanced Driver > Configuring Advanced OPC Analog Points > Define Analog Point Scaling

Define Analog Point Scaling

This section describes how to use the fields in the Scaling section of the Analog Point tab for analog points on the Advanced OPC driver. The Scaling section allows you to specify the range of the raw input signals, so that they can be suitably converted into floating-point engineering values for use in the ClearSCADA database.

NOTE: The raw to engineering scaling only applies to integer data types. Single/double precision floating point types are considered to be in engineering units by default, (see List of OPC Data Types).

If the point can also be written to, the settings in the Scaling section perform a similar conversion on any output signals. ClearSCADA uses the conversion calculation to produce a raw data value (integer data types only) that is sent to plant.

Use the following fields to configure the scaling settings:

Further Information

Define Analog Control Setting

Define Digital Control Settings

Definte String Control Settings

Define Time Control Settings

ClearSCADA 2015 R2