If alarms are to be redirected on your system, you will need to consider:
- Under what circumstances are the alarms to be redirected?
For example:
- Is ClearSCADA to redirect alarms automatically, or are operators and engineers to be given the option to redirect alarms if they deem this necessary? For more information, see Define the Trigger Type.
- Are the alarms only to be redirected if they are in a particular state, such as Unacknowledged? For more information, see Define the Trigger State.
- Are alarms to be redirected every time, or only on specific occasions, such as when control rooms are unmanned, or during company shutdown periods?
You can specify the time window during which redirection(s) take place (see Define When the Redirection Action is Active).
You can also redirect alarms on a Alarm Redirection Calendar or Action Roster basis.
- If the Area of Interest feature is enabled on your system, are only those alarms that are associated with specific Area(s) of Interest to be redirected?
You can specify an Area of Interest for each redirection—see Specify the Area of Interest for which Alarms are Redirected.
- For alarms that are to be redirected automatically:
- Are the alarms only to be redirected if they remain in a particular state for a set amount of time?
You can specify a Delay for each redirection—see Define a Delay.
- Are there circumstances for which ClearSCADA is to abort a redirection? For instance, if an alarm is acknowledged within the Delay time.
You can specify an Abort State for each redirection—see Define the Abort State.
- Are the alarms only to be redirected if they remain in a particular state for a set amount of time?
- How are alarms to be redirected? For instance, in a pager or e-mail message, or to trigger ClearSCADA to perform a particular action. For more information, see Choose a Type of Alarm Redirection.
If alarms are to be redirected in a pager or e-mail message:
- Are the messages to be sent to individual Users, User Groups, or nominated individuals on User Rosters? (For information on User Rosters, see Configure a User Roster.)
- Is sending of messages to be inhibited under particular circumstances? For instance, when the intended recipient is logged on to ClearSCADA. (For more information, see Define the E-Mail Action Details, or see Define the Pager Action Details.)
- Are alarms to be redirected on a per system, per Group, or per item basis?
You can associate up to 15 alarm redirections with each item for which ClearSCADA can generate an alarm. You can also associate up to 15 alarm redirections with each Group, including your system’s Root Group. For more information, see Configure Alarm Redirections for an Item or Group.
For information on accessing the Root Group, see Configure the Properties of the Root or System Group in the ClearSCADA Guide to Core Configuration.
NOTE: ClearSCADA also supports alarm suppression, whereby alarms raised on certain items are omitted from alarm displays while a specific alarm on another item is active. For more information, see Alarm Suppression in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarms.