You are here: Core Reference > Alarm Redirection > Choose a Type of Alarm Redirection > Set Responsibility Action

Set Responsibility Action

Any user on a ClearSCADA system has access to alarms, providing that:

If a user is also allocated the Acknowledge Alarms security permission for the database items that are in alarm, this permission usually enables them to acknowledge those alarms.

If required, you can use Set Responsibility Action(s) to restrict the ability to acknowledge specific alarms to a particular User, User Group, or ViewX workstation. This inhibits the Acknowledge Alarms security permission on any alarms that have been redirected using the Set Responsibility Action(s), so restricting access to the Acknowledge Alarms and Acknowledge with Comment pick actions. Any user that does not meet the responsibility criteria can see the alarms, so is aware of their existence, but cannot acknowledge them.

For further information, see Configure a Redirection Action, and see Define the Set Responsibility Action Details. For an example that demonstrates how such a redirection action might be used, see Use a Set Responsibility Action to Restrict the Ability to Acknowledge Alarms.

NOTE: ClearSCADA provides several methods—ClearAlarmResponsibility, SetAlarmResponsibleUser, and SetAlarmResponsibleWorkstation—that you can use to set or clear the restriction placed on acknowledging alarms. The methods are associated with the CAlarmObject and CGroup database tables. For more information on each method, see the database Schema.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2