You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Alarms Guide - Alarm-Related Aspects of System Configuration

Alarm-Related Aspects of System Configuration

This section is for system administrators and engineers that are tasked with configuring ClearSCADA. The section summarizes the various alarm-related aspects of system configuration.

Any system-wide alarm configuration should be undertaken when a ClearSCADA system is installed. Client-specific configuration should be performed on existing clients as part of the system setup, and on new clients as they are added to the system. User-specific configuration should also be performed as part of the system setup, or as new User Accounts are added to the system.

ClearSCADA has sophisticated alarm handling capabilities.

The sections in the rest of this guide summarize the various alarm-related aspects of system configuration. The sections explain how to:

The rest of this section summarizes other alarm-related configuration of which you need to be aware when setting up a ClearSCADA system:

Further Information

Optionally Specify a Default Alarm Filter per User Account.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2