You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Perform an Action on an Alarm > Enable Alarms - Independent Disabled on the Server

Enable Alarms - Independent Disabled on the Server

The Enable Alarms action allows you to re-instate the alarms and alarm features for an item (that has its alarms currently disabled). But the way in which the Enable Alarms action is applied varies according to whether the Independent setting is enabled or disabled on the server.

In this section, we explain how ClearSCADA applies Enable Alarms when Independent is disabled. For information on how Enable Alarms works when Independent is enabled, see Enable Alarms - Independent Enabled on the Server.

If Independent is disabled on your server, it means that an item’s alarms are enabled as soon as the Enable Alarms action is triggered. ClearSCADA does not consider whether the item’s alarms have been disabled by other Logic programs, users, Schedules, or Method Calls.

So, with Independent disabled:

When the alarm features are re-enabled for an item, ClearSCADA will:

Further Information

Disable Alarms with No Timeout

Disable Alarms with Fixed Duration

Disable Alarms with Variable Duration

Enable Alarms - Independent Enabled on the Server.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2