Enable Alarms - Independent Disabled on the Server
The Enable Alarms action allows you to re-instate the alarms and alarm features for an item (that has its alarms currently disabled). But the way in which the Enable Alarms action is applied varies according to whether the Independent setting is enabled or disabled on the server.
In this section, we explain how ClearSCADA applies Enable Alarms when Independent is disabled. For information on how Enable Alarms works when Independent is enabled, see Enable Alarms - Independent Enabled on the Server.
If Independent is disabled on your server, it means that an item’s alarms are enabled as soon as the Enable Alarms action is triggered. ClearSCADA does not consider whether the item’s alarms have been disabled by other Logic programs, users, Schedules, or Method Calls.
So, with Independent disabled:
- Whenever a user, Logic program, Schedule, or Method Call triggers the Enable Alarms action, the Enable Alarms action is applied.
- Enable Alarms is applied irrespective of any durations that may have been set for the Disable Alarms action (that was previously used to disable the item’s alarms).
- Any User Type can Enable Alarms for an item that has its alarms disabled by another User Type. For example, a Logic program could disable alarms with a fixed duration of 1 hour, but a user could enable the item's alarms after 10 minutes.
When the alarm features are re-enabled for an item, ClearSCADA will:
- Log an Alarms enabled entry in the Event Journal (Events List).
- Add any alarm entries to the Alarms List and Alarm Banner. The entries will be time stamped with the alarm’s original occurrence time (or, on systems on which the Use Visible Time As Alarm Active Time feature is enabled, the time that alarms were re-enabled on the item).
- Update the item’s color on Mimics, Lists, and so on, to indicate that it’s alarms are now enabled.
- Update the item’s Status display to indicate that alarms are enabled on the item.
- Allow any redirections that are configured for the item to take place. Only alarms that are detected after the item has been re-enabled can be redirected.
Further Information
Disable Alarms with No Timeout
Disable Alarms with Fixed Duration