How ClearSCADA Alarm Fields are Mapped to Wonderware InTouch Alarm Fields
The table below gives details about how ClearSCADA Alarm fields are mapped to Wonderware InTouch Alarm fields.
Wonderware InTouch Field | ClearSCADA Field |
Date | Alarm State change date. |
Time | Alarm State change time. |
State | Alarm OPC State. |
Class | Alarm Category (for example, 'Point State'). |
Type | Alarm Subcondition name. |
Priority | Alarm Severity. In Wonderware Intouch, 1 is the highest priority, 999 is the lowest. Therefore, ClearSCADA Severity 1000 maps to Wonderware Intouch Severity 1, 999 to 2 and so on. ClearSCADA Severity 1 and 2 both map to Wonderware Intouch Severity 999, as there is not a complete overlap in the number ranges. |
Name | This is the ClearSCADA Alarm Source. For example, the database item name. |
Group | This is the ClearSCADA Area Of Interest name. For a tree, it is the full name with a dot separator. For example, Area1.Area2.Area3. |
Value | This is the ClearSCADA alarm message. For example, “State changed from Low to High, value is 90.00 (Current data)." |
Limit | This is the Active Subcondition Definition (visible in OPC AE). |
Operator | The user who acknowledged the alarm (if acknowledged). |
Comment | A comment added with the acknowledgment (if acknowledged). |