You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Alarm Banner > Hide the Alarm Banner

Remove the Alarm Banner

The Alarm Banner is displayed on most ViewX and WebX clients by default. Although we do not recommend it (as you may not become aware of new alarms on the system), you might want to remove the Alarm Banner so that it is not on display.

You can only remove the Alarm Banner if your User Account has the Can Remove Banner feature enabled.

To remove the Alarm Banner on a ViewX client, either:


  1. Display the Home tab on the ViewX ribbon.
  2. Deselect Alarm Banner in the Operate command group.

The Alarm Banner is removed.

To remove the Alarm Banner on a WebX client:, ether:


The Alarm Banner is removed.

Further Information

Move the Alarm Banner.

Resize the Alarm Banner.

Display the Alarm Banner.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2