You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Specify the Preferred Alarm Banner and Alarms List Options on a ViewX Client > Specify whether Users can Resize the Columns on the Alarm Banner

Specify whether Users can Resize the Columns on the Alarm Banner

By default, the Alarm Banner uses columns that are a fixed size that cannot be changed by dragging the column lines. But by using the Option window, you can provide users with the ability to change the Alarm Banner column size as required.

To define whether users can resize the columns on the Alarm Banner:

  1. Log on via a user account that has the Configure Options permission, and then display the Options window (see Display the Options Window in the ClearSCADA Guide to Client Administration).
  2. Select the Alarms and Events tab.
  3. Either:


Allow Column Resizing is clear by default.

To apply the Allow Column Resizing setting that you have chosen, select the Option window’s OK button. The settings will be applied to the ViewX client on which you defined the changes.

Further Information

Specify the Properties of the Font used for the Alarm Banner

Specify whether Users can Sort the Columns on the Alarm Banner

Specify the Alarm Banner’s Scroll to Top Behavior

Specify the Characters used for the Alarm Filter Indicators

Specify the Font and Sound Settings for the Alarm Bell

Specify a Custom Background Color for Alarms

Specify a Sort Order for the Alarms List

Specify whether Columns Flash in the Alarms List and Alarm Banner

Specify whether ‘Simple’ Events are Shown in the Status Bar

Specify whether the Position of the Highlighted Alarm Changes when New Alarms are Raised.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2