You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Set up the Alarms, Alarms Lists, and Alarm Banner Preferences > System-Wide Alarm and Alarms List Preferences

System-Wide Alarm and Alarms List Preferences

This section summarizes those Alarm and Alarms List options that a system administrator can configure on a system-wide basis. Such options, if required to differ from the defaults, should be specified on each server when a ClearSCADA system is first installed. The options are specified using the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool.

You can use the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool to:

To access a ClearSCADA system, users typically log on via a User Account. Anyone who accesses the system without logging on, is logged on automatically via the Guest or Web User accounts.

Use the Root or System Group Form to define the system-wide settings for the Guest User, including:

For information on configuring any of the above, see Define the Global Settings for All Guest and Web User Accounts in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.

If required, the ability to acknowledge specific alarms can optionally be restricted to a particular User, User Group, or ViewX workstation. Such a restriction is configured on a per-item or per-Group basis. For information, see Set Responsibility Action in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarm Redirection.

You can optionally use Alarm Banner scripts to add ‘custom’ actions to the Alarm Banner’s context-sensitive menu (see Alarm Banner Scripts in the ClearSCADA Guide to Scripting).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2