You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Specify the Preferred Alarm Banner and Alarms List Options on a ViewX Client > The Foreground Color used on Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner

The Foreground Color used on Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner

The foreground color on the Alarm Banner and Alarms List is designed to indicate the state of an alarm. The color that is used is dependent on the Severity settings in the Server Configuration Tool. When you modify the settings for a Severity, you can choose Colors to associate with the possible states of an alarm.

Foreground colors on the Modify Severity Window

The alarms in the Alarms List and Alarm Banner are colored according to their Severity and the alarm state. For example, with the default color settings in place for the High severity, new High severity alarms use red as the foreground color.

Alarm Banner with Default Severity Colors (Red for New Uncleared, UnAcknowledged Alarms)

Further Information

Severity Colors: see Alarm and Event Severities in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.

The Background Color used on Alarms Lists and the Alarm Banner.

The Color of Entries in a List Other Than the Alarms List in the ClearSCADA Guide to Lists.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2