You are here: Core Reference > Alarms > Perform an Action on an Alarm > Viewing the Disable Alarm Flags for the Internal User Types

Viewing the Disable Alarm Flags for the Internal User Types

You can use the Status display of any item that can have alarms to view that item's State Alarm status.

The State Alarm information includes:

The State Alarm information is particularly useful when the Independent setting is enabled on the server, and the Enable Alarms action appears to have no effect.

When Independent is enabled on the server, an item’s alarms can only be re-enabled by the internal User Types that are disabling the alarms.


If a point’s State Alarm is:

Disabled Inactive (Disabled by Logic)

the point’s alarms can only be re-enabled by a Logic program triggering the Enable Alarms action for the point. If a User, Schedule, or Method Call triggers the Enable Alarms action for the point, it will appear to have no effect.

By using the State Alarm information, you can determine:

Further Information

Status Displays: see View a Status Display in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2