You are here: Driver Reference > Aquis Thin Client Guide > The Aquis Thin Client Display Window > Displaying Object Time Series

Displaying Object Time Series

To display a time series for a selected object:

  1. Locate the object. You may need to enlarge the view to locate the object you require, see Using the Zoom Tool.
  2. Select the object with the left-hand mouse button to display the object identifier to confirm you have the correct object.
  3. Right-click the object
    A context-sensitive menu is displayed.

  4. Select the Object Time Series: [ObjectID] option.
    Another context-sensitive menu, listing all the available Time Series for the selected object is displayed.

    NOTE: The list of available Time Series is defined on the Aquisapplication server and varies depending on the object type that you select.

  5. Select the time series you require.
    A Time series window is displayed, the example illustrated shows a Volume Flow for the selected object.

  6. Close the window to return to the Main view area.

Further Information


ClearSCADA 2015 R2