You are here: Driver Reference > Aquis Thin Client Guide > Confirm that the Required ClearSCADA Components are Installed > Installing Aquis Components to a Standalone System

Installing Aquis Components on a Standalone System

You need to install the Aquis Client and Server component(s) on a ClearSCADAStandalone system. Use the ClearSCADA Installation Wizard to specify the component(s) that you want to install.

To install the Aquis client and server components using the ClearSCADA Installation Wizard:

  1. Shut down the client and server (see Stop the Server in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).
  2. Run the ClearSCADAInstallation Wizard.
  3. Expand the Clients branch of the tree that is displayed in the Setup window.
  4. Choose the Aquis client component that you want to install.
  5. As with any ClearSCADA component that you want to install, you click on the icon that represents that component, to display a set of options. You then choose to either install just that component, or the entire feature (the component and any ‘child’ components).
  6. Any icon that displays a red cross indicates a component that will not be installed.
  7. Expand the Server branch of the tree that is displayed in the Setup window.
  8. Choose the Aquis server component that you want to install.
  9. Select Next when you have completed your selections.
  10. Select Install in the confirmation pane
  11. Restart the server (see Start the ClearSCADA Server in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).

Further Information

System Architectures in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2