About the Tutorial
Although each section includes instructions and helpful information, the tutorial is only designed to be a guide to ClearSCADA and is not a substitute for the comprehensive online help documentation or a training course. Also, while the tutorial is aimed at first-time users, we recommend that users have a strong background in both programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and personal computers using Windows.
Throughout the tutorial, we have used the following conventions:
- Bold text indicates the name of an option or setting that you can select. For example, Select the File menu.
- Italic text indicates an action that takes place as a result of your activity. For example, An additional context sensitive menu is displayed.
- Where multiple menu options are required, angle brackets are used. For example, Create New>Internal>Analog Point means select the Create New option from the context sensitive menu, then select the Internal option and then select the Analog Point from the further menu. We also use this convention when describing the address of items, if the items are in subgroups (Groups within Groups).
- Angle brackets <> are used to indicate a variable value or property. Unless specifically asked to do so, you should not include the angle brackets in your selections or entries.
- For more detailed explanations of features mentioned in the tutorial, please refer to the online help sections that are listed under the Further Information headings.
- At the end of each section, you can see how much you have learned by answering the questions in the Test Your Knowledge section. Each Test Your Knowledge section has questions that relate to the tasks you have performed.
We recommend that you complete each of the tutorial sections in order, but if you wish to skip certain sections, you can do this. However, you may need to import files relating to the sections you have skipped. Instructions on how to import the files are included at the start of the sections.
Finally, if you are working on the tutorial and your system stops running, you will need to restart your server. This is because demo ClearSCADA systems are set to stop running after 2 hours. For information on restarting the ClearSCADA server, see Restarting your System.
If you are ready to start the tutorial, proceed to Using the ViewX Interface.