You are here: Getting Started > Tutorial > Your First 'Live' Configuration > Create a Trend Database Item

Create a Trend Database Item

To configure a Trend that contains values from the database, you first need to create a Trend database item. You can then configure the Trend item as required.

For the tutorial, you are going to add a new Trend item to the 'Site' Group that you created earlier in the tutorial (or imported).

To create a Trend database item:

  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).
  2. In the Database Bar, right-click on the 'Site' Group to display its context sensitive menu.
  3. Select Create New>Trend to create a new Trend database item. The Trend is selected automatically, ready for you to define its name.
  4. Define the name of the Trend as: Point Monitoring

    You now have a Trend database item that you can configure, but to configure it, you need to display it in Design mode.

  5. Double-click on the 'Point Monitoring' Trend to display it in Design mode.

You can now proceed to Add the 'AI 1' Point’s Historic Values to a Trend

Further Information

Creating a Trend Item: see Pre-Configured Trends and Ad Hoc Trends in the ClearSCADA Guide to Trends.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2