You are here: Getting Started > Tutorial > Your First 'Live' Configuration > Create an Advanced Modbus Direct Channel

Create an Advanced Modbus Direct Channel

To communicate with an advanced device such as a SCADAPack Modbus controller, ViewX needs to be able to identify the communication settings such as the port, parity, and the protocol to be used. These settings are defined in a channel. Each advanced driver has its own channels, so for your SCADAPack Modbus controller, you need to configure an Advanced Modbus Direct Channel.

To configure an Advanced Modbus Direct Channel:

  1. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).
  2. In the Database Bar, right-click on the 'Serial Comms' Group to display its context sensitive menu, then select Create New>Modbus - Advanced>Direct Channel to create a new Modbus Channel database item.

  3. Press the Enter key to use the default name for the channel: 'New Direct Channel'.
  4. Double-click on 'New Direct Channel' to display its configuration Form.
  5. Select the Connection tab.

  6. On the Connection tab, configure the following setting:
    • Port—Use the browse button to choose the port to which your SCADAPack Modbus device is connected (COM1, COM2, and so on.)
  7. Still on the Connection tab, configure the remaining settings as follows:
    • Baud Rate—9600
    • Data Bits—8 Bits
    • Parity—None
    • Stop Bits—1 Bit
    • Flow Control—Choose the setting that applies to your connection:
      • None if a 3 wire cable is being used
      • Hardware (RTS/CTS) if a standard null modem cable is being used.

    These settings should match those of your SCADAPack Modbus device.

  8. Select the Channel tab.

  9. On the Channel tab, select the In Service check box to activate the Direct Channel.
  10. Select the Scan Parameters tab.

  11. On the Scan Parameters tab, set the Re-establishment Interval to 10 seconds. If the server's attempts to establish communications with an outstation are unsuccessful, or if communications are interrupted, the server will attempt to re-establish communications via the channel every 10 seconds.
  12. Save the configuration.

With the Direct Channel configured, next you need to Configure an Advanced Modbus Direct Outstation Set.

Further Information

SCADAPack Modbus: Please refer to the SCADAPack Modbus Driver Guide in the ClearSCADA online help.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2