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Test Your Knowledge on 'Live' Configuration

You’ve now configured items that allow ClearSCADA to communicate with a hardware device, in this case, a SCADAPack Modbus controller. Along the way, you have learned how to configure settings using Forms and editors such as the Mimic editor. But how much can you remember about everything you’ve learned? Put yourself to the test:

  1. When configuring database items to represent plant that uses advanced drivers, such as a SCADAPack Modbus controller, there are at least three types of database item that you need to configure. What are they?
  2. What type of database item represents the communications connection between ClearSCADA and a device such as a SCADAPack Modbus controller?
  3. What term is used as a generic term for devices such as SCADAPack Modbus controllers and PLCs?
  4. An outstation set is only used internally by ClearSCADA. But what does ClearSCADA use an outstation set for?
  5. If you want ClearSCADA to keep a record of a point’s values, what setting do you need to enable?
  6. In ClearSCADA, what is meant by the term 'animated object'?
  7. What is dynamic data?
  8. How can you filter an Alarms List so that it only displays alarms related to a specific database item?
  9. A Mimic is displaying a list that shows 'live' I/O from a device. Its list entries suddenly change from black to magenta. What does this mean?
  10. Trends are useful as they allow users to view and compare database values that have been reported over periods of time. They can be used as stand-alone displays but are often added to what other type of display?
  11. What is the difference between a raw historic trace and a processed historic trace?
  12. Why would a Trend need to show more than one y-axis?
  13. You can configure an Offset and an Interval for the x-axis. But what do these settings do?
  14. Which three Trend navigation tools have you used to change the time range that is displayed on the Trend?
  15. How can you change the appearance of a trace?
  16. How do you copy Trend data to a Third Party spreadsheet application?

ClearSCADA 2015 R2