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Using a WebX Client

This branch of topics relates to the WebX client that is supported by ClearSCADA 2015 R1 onwards. For information about the deprecated Original WebX client that is supported by this and earlier versions of ClearSCADA, click here.

You can use a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer to access your system remotely. A PC that accesses the system via a web browser is called a WebX client. You can use a WebX client to access the operational features of ClearSCADA, including alarm response features and controls. Your system’s security settings (user accounts, permissions, passwords and so on) also apply to WebX, and help to protect ClearSCADA from unauthorized access by WebX clients.

NOTE: WebX provides access to operator-level features. For configuration features, you need to use a ViewX client.

For the tutorial, you are going to access your system via Microsoft Internet Explorer, so you need to have this application installed on your PC. The minimum requirement is for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10. For information on Microsoft’s web browser applications, please refer to the Microsoft website at

If you haven’t completed the earlier sections of the tutorial, you will also need to import some data so that your system has items, values and alarms that you can interact with via WebX:

  1. Log On to ViewX as the user 'EngExample' (see Log on to your System).
  2. Display the Database Bar (see Display an Explorer Bar in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).
  3. In the Database Bar, right-click on the System icon then select Import from the context-sensitive menu. This displays the Import From window.
  4. In Windows, browse to C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSCADA\Tutorial Files.
  5. Select the SerialComms.sde file
  6. Select the Open button to close the Import From window and import the file.
  7. Repeat this process, only instead of importing the SerialComms.sde file, import the following files (in the order shown below):
    • MyFirstTest.sde
    • SiteTemplate.sde
    • SiteABCInstance.sde
    • SiteDEFInstance.sde

When you have installed the relevant Internet Explorer software on your PC and you have imported the data (if required), you can proceed to access your system via the web interface:

  1. Display the WebX Interface and Log On to the System
  2. Familiarize yourself with the Navigation Bar and Window Layout
  3. Use the Alarm Banner on a WebX Client
  4. Access Database Items via WebX
  5. Use the Mimic Navigation Tools to Access other Displays
  6. Display a List of System Alarms via WebX
  7. Display a List of System Events via WebX
  8. Display a Queries List via WebX.
  9. NOTE: If you are automatically logged off when using WebX, you should log back on using the 'EngExample' user account.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2