You are here: System Administration > Client Administration > ViewX Options > Define whether the ViewX Client is a Restricted Workstation

Define whether the ViewX Client is a Restricted Workstation

You can use the Options window to set a ViewX client to be a restricted workstation; a client that only provides access to ViewX.

Restricted workstations are useful when you only want users to work with ViewX—they will not be able to use the client to access other applications on the PC, such as Windows programs.

If you set a ViewX client to function as a restricted workstation, the following rules are enforced:

To set a ViewX client to function as a restricted workstation:

  1. Display the Options Window.
  2. Select the General tab.
  3. In the Miscellaneous section, select the Restricted Workstation check box to set the ViewX client to function as a restricted workstation.
  4. Select the OK button to apply the changes.

NOTE: The text '(Overridden by startup configuration)' appears alongside a property when that property is unavailable for configuration via the Options window. The text is displayed when the ViewX client is configured to run on a Multi-Monitor setup for which the Startup Configuration File determines the value of that property.

If you are working on a restricted workstation and want to cancel the restricted workstation feature so that the ViewX client provides access to other applications on the client PC:

  1. Log on to the client PC via a user account that has the Configure Options permission (see Define the ViewX Configuration Settings for a User in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security).
  2. Display the Options Window
  3. In the Miscellaneous section, clear the Restricted Workstation check box to set the ViewX client to function as a normal, unrestricted workstation.
  4. Select the OK button to apply the changes.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2