You are here: System Administration > Client Administration > Launch a ViewX Client on a Multi-Monitor Setup > Launch the Alarm Banner in Full Mode

Launch the Alarm Banner in Full Mode

You can use the Startup Configuration File to display the Alarm Banner in Full mode when the ViewX client launches. When set to Full mode, the Alarm Banner fills the available space within the Window Container in which it is displayed.

This setting is only valid if the Alarm Banner is configured to display in a Secondary Window Container.

When the Alarm Banner launches in Full mode, the following occurs:

To make the Alarm Banner launch in Full mode, set the AlarmBannerMode element to "Full" in the Startup Configuration File. You also need to add the OpenInWindow element, so that documents (such as the Events list) will display in a different Window Container if opened.


When included in the Startup Configuration File, the following XML code displays the Alarm Banner in Full mode in a Secondary Window Container named 'Alarms'.

<WindowContainers AlarmBannerWindow="Alarms" AlarmBannerMode="Full" >

The AlarmBannerMode element is configured as an attribute of the WindowContainer tag as only one alarm banner is supported for a Multi-Monitor setup.

The Window Container that hosts the Alarm Banner (named 'Alarms') is configured as follows:

<SecondaryWindowContainer Name="Alarms" Monitor="3" DisplayMode="FullScreen" OpenInWindow="Left" />

To allow the Alarm Banner to fill the screen, the DisplayMode element for the Window Container is set to "FullScreen". The OpenInWindow element is also set to "Left" so that any opened documents will display in the Window Container named 'Left'.

NOTE: If the Alarm Banner is configured to display in Full mode in the Startup Configuration File, it will override some User settings related to the Alarm Banner (see Define which Alarm Banner and Alarms List Features are Available to a User in ViewX in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security). These include Can Move Banner, Can Resize Banner, Minimum Banner Rows, Display Banner At Top and Can Remove Banner.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2