You are here: System Administration > Client Administration > ViewX Options > Specify Whether to Use Server-Based Help

Specify Whether to Use Server-Based Help

Whenever you are using ClearSCADA, and you don't understand a feature, concept, or setting, you can get online help by:

For more information about using ClearSCADA online help See Welcome to ClearSCADA Help.

ClearSCADA stores online help both on your local ViewX client and on the ClearSCADA servers to which your ViewX client is connected. When you request online help, the default setting is that ViewX displays the local version of online help.

The local version of online help could be different to versions on the ClearSCADA servers. For example, this might happen if you are using an old version of ViewX. In such a case, the local version of online help might not be synchronized with server-based ClearSCADA database items. That is, the online help might not match the ClearSCADA screens that you see and the context-sensitive (F1) online help might not work as you expect.

To ensure that the ViewX online help is fully synchronized with server-based ClearSCADA database items, you can specify that ViewX should use Server-Side Help.

NOTE: ViewX can only use Server-Side Help if ALL of the servers to which your ViewX client is connected have Server-Side Help installed. The Server-Side Help component is in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ClearSC ADA\WWW\Help.

If your network has speed restrictions, or is bandwidth limited, you may not want to enable Server-Side Help.

To specify that ViewX should use Server-Side Help:

  1. Display the Options Window.
  2. Select the General tab.
  3. In the Miscellaneous section, select the Use Server Based Help check box.
  4. Select the OK button to apply the setting.

    NOTE: The setting only affects the ViewX client that you use to make the setting.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2