Use System Priority for Global Scripts and Homepages
For each ViewX client-server connection, you can configure a Default System Priority. This setting allows the client to:
- Choose which Global Script to run, according to the systems’ priority settings.
Each system can have a global script, which is used to create Alarm Banner scripts (see Alarm Banner Scripts in the ClearSCADA Guide to Scripting). When a client connects to the system, the global script runs. However, a client can only run 1 global script. So if a client connects to multiple systems, it needs to be able to choose which of the available global scripts it will run.
By using the Default System Priority setting, you can define an order of preference. When the client connects to multiple systems, it will run the global script on the system that has the highest system priority (out of the systems that are available).
- Determine which home page to display when a user logs on to multiple systems.
Each user account can be associated with a home page Mimic, which can be different on each system. So when a user logs on to multiple systems simultaneously, the client has to be able to determine which of the home page Mimics should be displayed.
By using the Default System Priority setting, you can define an order of preference. When the client connects to multiple systems, it will use the home page Mimic for the system that has the highest system priority (out of the systems that are available).
To define the Default System Priority for a client-server connection:
- Display the Client Configuration Window.
- Enter the required priority number in the Default System Priority field.
You can use the priority range:
- 10 - 0 —Ten is the highest priority setting and should be allocated to the preferred system. Nine is the next highest priority, and then 8, followed by 7, and 6 and so on. 0 is the lowest priority setting that can be used (a system with 0 will only have its global script and home page settings used all of the other higher priority servers are unavailable).
- -1 — You can use minus one to exclude a system from the priority settings. A system with a Default System Priority of -1 will not have its global script or home page settings used when a client connects to multiple servers.
If multiple systems have the same Default System Priority, the client will use them in alphabetical order (if they are required). For example, a multiple database system could consist of:
- System A with a Default System Priority of 8
- System B with a Default System Priority of 10
- System C with a Default System Priority of 8.
A client attempts to log on to all three systems simultaneously, but System B is unavailable. So the client connects to System A and System C and uses the global scripts and home page settings from System A (as both systems have the same priority and System A comes before System C in alphabetical order).
- Select the OK button to apply the changes.
Further Information
Home Page Mimics: see Define the Homepage Settings for a User in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.