You are here: System Administration > Client Administration > Client Administration Guide - ViewX Client - System Connections

ViewX Client - System Connections

ViewX clients provide access to ClearSCADA's configuration and operation features (although security permissions can be used to restrict access to them). Each ViewX client has two communication links to the ClearSCADA server, both of which are set up when you create a ViewX Client - System connection.

In the following sections, we describe how ViewX clients communicate with the ClearSCADA server and explain how to configure the connection and firewalls. We also provide information on checking the status of the connection.

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NOTE: To avoid potential DCOM issues, ViewX clients use Data Access Components to communicate with the ClearSCADA server using the TCP/IP protocol. The Data Access Components are installed on the ViewX client automatically when you install ViewX. The Data Access Components only have to be installed separately on WebX and Third Party OPC clients.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2