ViewX Command Line Arguments
You can use ViewX command line arguments to pre-set the settings for ViewX. The ViewX commands are:
- /Register —Use to Restore ClearSCADA Registry Settings with a ViewX Command.
- /Instance:<n>—Use to run multiple instances of ViewX (see Use a ViewX Command to Run Multiple Instances of the ViewX Client).
- /Systems—Use to specify the Systems.xml file to be used by a client Use a ViewX Command to Specify the Systems XML File for a ViewXClient.
- /Startup—Use to specify the Startup Configuration File to be used by a client (see Use a ViewX Command to Specify the Startup Configuration File for a ViewX Client).
- /noscript—Use to disable any script execution when starting ViewX, (see Disable Script Execution).
You can enter these commands at a Windows command prompt or you can configure desktop shortcuts that include the commands as part of their Target.
NOTE: You can use combinations of ViewX commands: precede each command with the / character and separate the commands with a space. For example, /Instance:2 /Systems:"E:\SystemsCPLX2.xml."