WebX and XML Client - System Connections
ClearSCADA supports remote access via WebX clients and Third Party XML clients. WebX clients are client PCs that run the WebX application supplied by Schneider Electric and Third Party XML clients are client PCs that are running an XML application not supplied by
Schneider Electric. Both types of client provide remote access to your system by connecting, via Internet or Intranet, to a web server that is installed on the ClearSCADA server.
WebX clients and Third Party XML clients can be used at any location where Internet/Intranet access is provided and are easy to set up.
However, there are some limitations with WebX and XML clients:
- For security reasons, WebX and XML clients cannot be used to perform configuration tasks.
- WebX and XML clients can place a high demand on network resources as their ActiveX Controls poll the ClearSCADA server for data continuously
- XML clients use the Web Guest user account to access the system. This means that the Web Guest user account has to be configured to provide the permissions that are required by XML client users to perform their tasks. For more information on Guest User accounts, see Configuring the Guest and Web User Accounts in the ClearSCADA Guide to Security.
NOTE: You need to create User accounts for each WebX user via ViewX.
In the following sections, we describe how WebX/XML client - system connections work and explain how to connect to ClearSCADA via WebX/XML.