You are here: System Administration > Client Administration > Launch a ViewX Client on a Multi-Monitor Setup > Client Administration Guide - Window Container (Launch a ViewX Client on a Multi-Monitor Setup)

Window Container

Window Containers allow you to control how the ViewX client displays on a Multi-Monitor setup. Each Window Container hosts specific components of the client interface on a particular monitor, creating a distributed arrangement that displays in the same way each time ViewX opens.

The Startup Configuration File defines the number of Window Containers that are included in a Multi-Monitor setup, and associates each Window Container with one of the monitors detected by the Windows operating system. It also defines the documents that display in each Window Container when you open ViewX.

There are two types of Window Container:

A Multi-Monitor setup can include one Primary Window Container, and up to 15 Secondary Window Containers.

All Window Containers include the following:

If the Window Container is displayed in Full Screen mode, only the Quick Access Toolbar and the Log On/Log Off commands will appear.

Selecting the Close button will exit the ViewX client.

If required, you can use the Confirm ViewX Close option to display a confirmation dialog when the Close button is used (see Determine if Confirmation is Required when ViewX Closes).

With a Multi-Monitor setup, only one instance of the Alarm Banner is supported, although you can choose whether to display the Alarm Banner on either the Primary or a Secondary Window Container.

NOTE: It is not possible to move a document window from one Window Container to another in a Multi-Monitor setup.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2