Converting Groups and Group Instances
You can convert a Group into a Group Template, a Group Instance into a Group, or a Group Instance so that it references a different Group Template. This reduces the amount of configuration required to set up your system, as it allows you to alter existing items, rather than having to create new Groups or Group Templates. It also provides flexibility, as it allows you to incorporate changes to your original system plan. For more information, see the topics that are listed in the gray footer section at the bottom of this topic. Select the relevant entry to display the topic that you require.
The topics also explain the restrictions that apply if you Convert an Item in a Group Template, and that item is not an Abstract Item.
NOTE: Attempts to convert a Group Instance will be blocked while ClearSCADA propagates any Group Template configuration changes to that Group Instance. For more information, see Activities that are Restricted when Configuration or Structure Changes are Pending.