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Diagnostic Messages and Notification Display

ClearSCADA provides various mechanisms for reporting diagnostic information.

During day-to-day operation, ClearSCADA logs activities via:

Additionally, you can ascertain the status of an individual item in the database by viewing that item's Status Display (see Status Displays in the ClearSCADA Guide to ViewX and WebX Clients).

Other displays, such as Trends and Mimics, also provide information about system activity and status.

Additionally, if ClearSCADA is unable to complete a user-instigated task, such as Control request, diagnostic information might be provided in the form of a pop-up ('modal') message dialog box.

During system configuration, ClearSCADA reports diagnostic information using a variety of additional mechanisms, including:

Additionally, icons in the Database Bar are overlaid with a red 'X' if they contain invalid configuration (for more information, see Correcting Invalid Configuration).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2