You are here: Core Reference > Configuration Practices > Working with Forms > Edit an Element in an Array Field

Edit an Element in an Array Field

There are several techniques you can use to change the value of an element:

If it is possible to browse for a value, editing the element will display its associated browse window. You can use the browse window to choose a different value. However, if you prefer to enter a value manually, you can still use both the ‘select and pause’ and ‘F2’ techniques to edit the value. You can then enter or paste the required value.

If the array field does not provide access to a browse window, editing the element will only allow you to change the value manually. You will need to enter a valid value.

Further Information

Add an Element to an Array Field

Remove a Single Element from an Array Field

Remove Multiple Elements from an Array Field

Go To the Display for an Element in an Array Field

Display a List of Configuration Changes for an Array Field

Browse Button.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2