Example Configuration
This section includes several examples to further demonstrate how Schedules can be configured to trigger actions automatically on a ClearSCADA system.
The examples in this section include:
- A Simple Schedule used to Run a Pump
- A Daily Schedule used to Call PSTN Outstations Twice a Day.
- A Weekly Schedule and Calendar used to Generate a Series of Reports.
Further Information
Use a Schedule to automatically archive data: see Setup Scheduled Archiving in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration.
Use a Schedule to automatically trigger a report: see the ClearSCADA Guide to the Crystal Reports Driver.
Use the Add Action Window to Specify the Tune Alarm Limits Method.
NOTE: Do not confuse the above Schedules with Alarm Redirection Schedules, which are used to redirect alarms at different times on different days. For information on Alarm Redirection Schedules and the Alarm Redirection Calendars on which they are used, see Configure an Alarm Redirection Calendar in the ClearSCADA Guide to Alarm Redirection.