Importing Existing Database Items
You can import database items to replace or update existing database items. When you import a database item into a ClearSCADA database to replace or update an identically named item in that database, ClearSCADA will do the following:
- If the existing item is the same item type as an imported item (for instance, a DNP3 Analog Input point, a Mimic, or a DNP3 Direct Channel), then ClearSCADA will overwrite the existing configuration for that item with the imported configuration.
NOTE: If an existing user item is the same as an imported user item, then ClearSCADA retains the existing user item configuration, see Creating a User Account.
- If ClearSCADA can convert the existing item to the same type as the imported item, ClearSCADA carries out that conversion. For information on converting items from one type to another, see Converting a Database Item.
A ClearSCADA export file contains the configuration for a Group named Area 2. The Group contains a Kingfisher Analog Input point named AI Point 2. The export file is imported into another ClearSCADA database, also with a Group named Area 2. This Area 2 Group also contains a point named AI Point 2, however the point is an Internal Analog point.
During the Import process, ClearSCADA converts the Internal Analog point into a Kingfisher Analog Input point. Further configuration of the point is required, so ClearSCADA generates a diagnostic message for each mandatory configuration requirement.
- If the existing item is not of the same type as the imported item and cannot be converted to the same type, the existing item is retained unchanged and the imported item is omitted from the import process.
Further Information