You are here: Core Reference > Core Configuration > Configuring Data Tables > Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are several key-combinations that you can use when you Edit a Data Table. This section summarizes the supported key strokes.

Key(s) Action


Displays a context sensitive menu, with menu options appropriate to the selected field.

Arrow keys

Use the SHIFT key in conjunction with the up or down arrow keys to make multiple selections (see below).


To select more than one field in different parts of a Data Table, select the first field that you require and then hold down the CTRL key while you make further selections.


Selects all of the fields in a table.


Copies the content of the selected fields into the clipboard. (Use CTRL + V to paste the content elsewhere.)


Saves the Data Table configuration.


Pastes the content of the clipboard into the Data Table, starting at the presently selected location.


Deletes the selected field(s) and places them in the clipboard. (Use CTRL + V to paste the fields elsewhere.)


Deletes the selected field(s).


Highlights the last field in the Data Table.


Highlights the first field in the Data Table.

Page Down

Moves down one page, with the page size depending on the size of the window.

Page Up

Moves up one page, with the page size depending on the size of the window.


To select a block of fields, select the first field that you require and then hold down the SHIFT key while you select the last required field. All fields between the first and last selections are also selected.

SHIFT + Arrow keys

To select a block of fields, you can use the SHIFT key along with the up or down arrow keys to make your multiple selection. Select the first field that you require and then hold down the SHIFT key while using the arrow keys that indicate the direction in which you want to make your selection.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2