Trend - Data In Alarm State
Associated with: Trends
ATTENTION: This system color was added to ClearSCADA 2015 R2. If you upgrade from an earlier ClearSCADA build to either ClearSCADA 2015 R2 or a later build and use customized Trend marker colors on your system, you should check whether the Trend - Data in Alarm State color also needs customizing to ensure that it differs from your existing Trend marker colors.
The Trend - Data In Alarm state indicates when data on a Trend's trace was in an alarm state. ClearSCADA indicates the Trend - Data In Alarm state with a muted red marker (by default) on a Trend’s trace.
If manual data validation is enabled, users could potentially mistake the muted red color of the Trend - Data In Alarm marker for the red color of the Trend - Unvalidated Data marker. To avoid this conflict, you could change the color of one or both of these markers. For more information, see Use the Color Palette to Define a Custom System Color.
NOTE: When displaying data in an alarm state, ClearSCADA does not take account of whether the alarm was disabled or suppressed. ClearSCADA will show the data as in alarm regardless.
Data on a Trend's trace can be in more than one state. Therefore, ClearSCADA applies a priority scheme to determine the data display color. The priorities, from highest to lowest are: Trend - Bad Data, Trend - Unvalidated Data, Data In Alarm and then Trend - Validated/Good Data.
Your system has manual data validation enabled. If a Trend's trace shows data in an alarm state but the data is unvalidated, ClearSCADA would display the data in red (unvalidated data is the priority). If the data is validated, ClearSCADA would display the data in muted red (data in alarm is the priority).
For data sources that exist in the ClearSCADA database, ClearSCADA obtains the marker color from the data source's Color Palette. The exception to this is if ClearSCADA is unable to obtain the marker color from the server (for example, if communications with the server is interrupted when a Trend is redrawn). In such a situation, ClearSCADA uses the marker color that is specified in the Options window (see Display the Options Window in the ClearSCADA Guide to Client Administration). ClearSCADA also uses the marker color from the Options window for data sources that are from a non-ClearSCADA database (for example, another OPC database).