You are here: Core Reference > Configuration Practices > System Colors > Trend - Validated/Good Data

Trend - Validated/Good Data

Associated with: Trends and X-Y-Z Plots

The Validated/Good Data state is indicated by a light green marker (by default) on a Trend or X-Y-Z Plot’s trace.

The color indicates that the value is reliably accurate.

With Trends on systems on which manual Historic Validation is enabled, the color indicates that the value has been validated by an operator or engineer. (With Trends on systems on which manual Historic Validation is not enabled, the color indicates that the value is reliably accurate.)

For data sources that exist in the ClearSCADA database, ClearSCADA obtains the marker color from the data source's Color Palette. The exception to this is if ClearSCADA is unable to obtain the marker color from the server (for example, if communications with the server is interrupted when a Trend is redrawn). In such a situation, ClearSCADA uses the marker color that is specified in the Options window (see Display the Options Window in the ClearSCADA Guide to Client Administration). ClearSCADA also uses the marker color from the Options window for data sources that are from a non-ClearSCADA database (for example, another OPC database).

Further Information

Validating historic data:

X-Y-Z Plots: see the ClearSCADA Guide to X-Y-Z Plots.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2