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A Report is Blank or does not Contain the Expected Information

Reports can be used to access data from one or more databases. If a report accesses remote database(s), you need to check that the relevant ODBC data source(s) have been created on each server, and that they allow the necessary access to those database(s). On a Hot-Standby system, remember to also add the same DSNs to any standby server(s). The ODBC data source(s) that are used to create the report(s) require exactly the same names as those that have been created on the relevant servers. (You create each ODBC data source (DSN) using the ODBC Data Source Administrator Tool. On a ClearSCADA server you can access this Tool via the Crystal Reports section of the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool (see Configuring Crystal Reports Server Settings). For information on accessing the ODBC Data Source Administrator Tool from a client, see Installation on ViewX Clients on Which You Want to Edit Reports.) Any difference between the DSNs used to create a report and the DSNs on the servers will result in either blank reports, or reports are missing some of the expected information.

If the reports on your system query the ClearSCADA database that is located on the local server and your system uses security, you need to check the user access rights. The user that is used to generate, print or export the reports has to have he necessary access to the database items that are included in those reports. If the user does not have the necessary database access, the reports will either be blank, or may have be missing some of the expected information (they will only contain those items to which the user has read access).

For more information, see Specify the Data Source. (Typically, if a report accesses remote database(s), the user credentials specified in each DSN are used to access each database. If a report only accesses the local ClearSCADA database, these credentials are typically left blank, and a user specified on the Crystal Report Form instead.)

Any changes to items the database can also affect the content of your reports. For example, if a report is filtered or grouped by ‘FullName’ and several database items that appear in the report are later renamed or moved, you need to check the filtering of the report. The change of names and location may cause the filtering to allow or omit records that should/should not be included in the report. For more information, see Adding Fields and Data to a Report.

ATTENTION: It is imperative that formatting of reports that are to be exported to Microsoft Excel is precise. Any objects that are not aligned on such a report may cause the exported version of the report to include blank or mis-aligned rows and/or columns. Ideally, use the Snap to Grid feature on the Options window to position the objects in a report accurately.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2