You are here: Driver Reference > Crystal Reports Driver > Introduction to Using Crystal Reports with ClearSCADA > Configure Your Reports

Configure Your Reports

To produce reports in ClearSCADA, the ClearSCADA Data Access component has to be installed on the ClearSCADA servers on your system, and also on any ViewX clients that will be used for report editing. Additionally, the third-party Crystal Reports application has to be installed on the clients on which your reports are to be configured (see Install Crystal Reports).

When ClearSCADA is first installed, a system administrator needs to define the server settings for the driver (see Configuring Crystal Reports Server Settings).

Before you configure any reports in ClearSCADA, you need to be aware of the required content and layout of those reports (see Plan Your Reports).

You also need to be aware of which optional features are required for each report. The features include:

You can also use core ClearSCADA features with reports, including Lists, Actions, and Mimics. For driver-specific information, see Working with the Reports List and see Using Actions Associated with Crystal Reports. For further information on Lists, Actions and Mimics, see the core documentation.

For each report, you need to:

  1. Create a Crystal Report and configure the report properties within ClearSCADA (see Creating a Report and Defining the Report Properties).
  2. Configure the report structure and content using Crystal Reports application. For more information, see:

    You should also adhere to the Important Guidelines on Configuring and Generating Reports.

    If applicable, also see Configuring a Report that Queries a Historic Table.

    For information on Group Templates, see Configuring Reports within Group Templates.

  3. If the report is to be generated automatically, you need to associate the report with the relevant Schedule or Alarm Redirection Action (see Activating a Report Action Automatically).

ClearSCADA 2015 R2