Export Definition
Associated with: Crystal Reports.
Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure.
Use the Export Definition pick action to export a report’s ‘definition’ to a file. The ‘definition’ is the report structure and layout that is specified using the Crystal Reports application. This pick action is useful for providing access to report definitions outside of ClearSCADA. You might also want to use the pick action to export and store ‘master’ definitions—the definitions of reports that you want to use as a basis for more than one report. You can use ClearSCADA’s Import Definition pick action to import a stored definition into a report in ClearSCADA.
To export a report’s definition, select the pick action to display the Export Definition window. (The layout of the window varies, depending on the operating system that your computer is running.)
Use the window to specify the location and the name of the file to which you want to export the report’s definition.
Select the Save button to save the definition to the specified location. The file to which the definition is exported is automatically assigned an .rpt file extension.