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Import Definition

Associated with: Crystal Reports.

Security permission required to access this pick action: Configure.

Use the Import Definition pick action to import a report’s ‘definition’ from a file. The ‘definition’ is the report structure and layout that is specified using the Crystal Reports application.

This pick action enables you to take a report definition that has been created outside of ClearSCADA and use that definition in a report in the ClearSCADA database. The pick action provides an alternative means of defining the structure and layout of a report in ClearSCADA. By importing a suitable existing definition directly into a Crystal Report database item, you avoid the need for creating the definition anew via the usual report creation and editing process. The pick action also enables you to import report definitions that have been created using Crystal Report’s wizards.

Select the pick action to display the Import Definition window. (The layout of the window varies, depending on the operating system that your computer is running.)

Use the window to locate the file that contains the required report structure and layout. (The files have an .rpt file extension.)

Select the Open button to import the definition into the report.

ClearSCADA 2015 R2