The Server Fails to Export Reports to Disk
The Crystal Reports driver logs on as the server’s printing user to export reports to disk. For this reason, the printing user needs to have write access to the directories and shares to which reports are to be exported. (The printing user is specified in the Printing section of the ClearSCADA Server Configuration Tool (see Printer Settings in the ClearSCADA Guide to Server Administration).)
If the attempt to export a report fails, a diagnostic message appears in the Status bar and is logged in the Event Journal. The message indicates the reason that the report has failed to export, for example:
- A diagnostic message of the type ‘Export report request failed - Failed to export report, Access denied’ indicates that the printing user does not have the required write access to the export destination.
- A diagnostic message of the type ‘Export report request failed - Failed to export report, Invalid directory’ indicates that the File Name has not been specified correctly on the Export Destination tab of the Crystal Report Form.
If the File Name field on the report’s Export Destination tab contains trip sequence(s) and the report does not export to the expected location, check that the trip sequences have been specified correctly (see Resolving any Trip Sequence Errors).
Further Information