Comms Statistics
Associated with: DF1 scanners.
This status attribute shows the number of:
- Good Reads—Successful read operations
- Good Writes—Successful write operations
- Timeouts—Requests that did not receive a response within the expected time and therefore timed out. (The actual Timeout period is specified on the Channel Form.)
- Checksum Errors—Errors returned due to invalid data transmissions. (The type of Checksum error checking used is specified on the Channel Form (see Configure the DF1 Communication Properties).
- Unknown Errors—Any other errors
- Exceptions—Errors returned in response to the receipt of unsupported function codes.
that have been detected on a scanner since that scanner was last restarted.
48 good reads, 26 good writes, 0 timeouts, 0 checksum errors, 0 unknown errors, 2 exceptions