You are here: Driver Reference > DNP3 Driver > System Analysis > Adjust the Configuration of any DNP3 Points that Cause a High Load

Adjust the Configuration of any DNP3 Points that Cause a High Load

Inadequate client performance can cause your ClearSCADA system to be slow (see Diagnose Client Performance Problems in the ClearSCADA Guide to the Server Status Tool). One of the causes of inadequate performance is high load on the server.

You can use the statistics that are displayed in Lists and Status displays to identify any DNP3 outstations that are causing a high loading on the ClearSCADA system.

For those outstations that have a high load, use the Points List to identify the point(s) that are causing the high load.

High load is typically caused by a point updating at too frequent a rate.

Where a point on a DNP3 outstation is causing a high load:

ClearSCADA 2015 R2